not kidding
I actually stacked it down a flight of stairs in the middle of London Bridge station.
Not that I really should be broadcasting to the world about how much of a ditz I am, but more as a warning
Do not wear wet clogs on slippy lino stairs
Knees will become grazed
Guess who's butt ugly face was on the teen vogue website yesterday?
I could have screamed when I found out. And on my birthday aswell
Thankyou everyone, you've all been dolls and thankyou for all your comments here, there and everywhere.
te he, that_british_girl, if you are reading this, yes 'rei' is actually my middle name, after Rei Kawakubo believe it or not
te he, y'all have made my day extra awesome
A day which I will have to tell from the very start.
So waking up in a not so disney fashion I lumbered out of bed and turned on my itouch
I'm surgically attached to that thing. 2 years old and battered, but never looking better
Any who that was the point at which I thought
'hmmm its awfully quiet'
Yes it would be awfully quiet at 5 bloody 30 in the morning
I couldn't be bothered to crawl back into bed so I slept on the floor.
And woke up 4 hours later with carpet face. Attractive
Imprint successfully rubbed out I jigged down the stairs to find some lovely little pressies sitting waiting for me
te he, well of course I opened them straight away, I am reduced to a five year old at the sight of wrapping paper.
And wrapping paper, with 'happy birthday' written all over it in garish colours is just asking for it.
Squealing at every tear I revealed several absolutely lovely presents, more than I could have ever asked for
Aren't they amazing?
lace gloves, a crazy llama necklace, mexican style bag, leather box bag, palette of 50 eyeshadows, a white stitch playsuit, and a cheetah print playsuit.
I screamed and squealed and giggled for about 5 minutes
But who wouldn't?
In my house we do things differently, so we have cake in the morning, so we can all eat it for breakfast
so as we were munching (well me stuffing) on tarte myrtille (my absolute favorite) my dad came in holding a little box.
It was heavy, square and slightly ominous, in a brightly wrapped kinda way.
and so I carefully opened it,
and my heart literally stopped
on my lap was sitting a Panasonic Lumix FZ38
I was reduced to puddle on the floor.
gahhhhhhhhhhhh its beautiful and like the size of my face.
It's tiny in comparison to our old one, and twice the megapixels!
I still have a smile plastered over my face
Spreading from ear to ear
Best Birthday Morning EVER
Made even better by trekking up to london.
So first we decided to go eat, so we went to Ping Pong, for food which is so delicious it can only be described by the sound 'nom nom nom'
Are you nom nom noming?
Te he
of course we then we went to Topshop, and I got lost again. Its so damn huge. Okay I go there quite a lot, but still every time!
You guys should be proud of me though, even though I saw beauties like above, I didn't buy anything
Well okay I lied, I bought two things
Some pink two toned tights with little hearts, and a vintage pearl necklace.
I think in Topshop they must have like a niceness interview, because seriously everyone who works there is lovely.
Even more lovely then a Comme des Garcons warehouse sale
Okay maybe not
80-70% off on EVERYTHING
I was touching +£1000 dresses, it was heaven
Everything there was more than £200, yet it was all reduced to about £40, how bloody amazing!
And then I saw them
lying there, draped over a bin, calling to me
A pair of Chloe Sevigny for opening ceremony pair of floral trousers.
£235 reduced to £47
pinch me
it was like a dream, until before my eyes they were snatched away by some woman who was already dragged several full bags.
In sneaky mode, me and Tilly stalked her through the aisles, lying in wait until she put them down.
She did so in the changing rooms, so Tilly snuck in, amongst the half dressed fashionistas and got them back
I could have kissed her, but I didn't rather refraining to a celebratory high five.
And that was my day, perfect until we were passing through London Bridge station and came to a set of stairs.
I was actually thinking, 'my luck has been so good today, I'm going to get home and the house has burnt down or something'
and then I face planted it down the stairs
for everyone to see
so I did the only thing I could have done in such a situation
pretended I had fainted.
But all my lumps, bumps, blisters and brusies were soothed away by Matt Smith
te he, can you actually get any more adorkable?
I think not

I didn't quite know what to make of the ending of 'Flesh and Stone', I won't spoil it for anyone how hasn't seen it, but I was quite bemused
Like I knew it was going to happen, I really wanted it to, it just wasn't the way I thought it was going to happen
is that nondescript enough?
te he
I finish this overly long post right now, te he
xox Eve-Rei
your comments and love, is like having my birthday all over again, completely and utterly delightful
p.s, Shout out to Joey, who saw me tottering round the Rotunda in my clogs, hellos should have been exchanged, but I'm too much of an airhead, actually you probably saw the fall I made there too :)
happy happy birthday for yesterday , I saw the post on teen vogue and you looked lovely <3
ReplyDeleteouch, that stair fall sounds rather painful! hope you're ok, that seems to happen to me everyday, i have ladders in all my tights from silly staircases hehe
ahh matt smith ahhhh he's just so...amazing...
Sounds like you had the actual perfect day, bar falling. Reeeal smooth there pretending to faint! ;)
ReplyDeleteBut yay, you got the playsuit, it is sooo nice :O and I am v jealous of your camera!
I want it to be my birthday now :(
UO x
sounds like it was a really good day, that camera is amazing, my uncle has it and it has amazing action photography modes! doctor who was ridiculously good, we'll talk about it on tuesday, im was far too excited by it to be able to contain myself til tuesday!! and again, happy birthday (:
ReplyDeletewow, your a real prints kinda girl!
ReplyDeletein love with those floral pants! my zara pair does not match up with your chloe ones but we can be floral pant buddies!
i want a good camera! i have to stick with some crappy fuji :(
woah this sure is a long long post :) well done for the teen vogue thing :) ooh that ping pong place looks real good :) ahh it's making me hungry. i like the pearl necklace, it's so beautiful. oh and i loove the floral trousers. looks like you had an amazing day :D
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the shout out, it means alot :)
I should have said hello, oh well, you never know, I might spot you again. :P
i gasped when i saw your new camera, my jealousy levels are above my house's roof right now. glad you had a lovely birthday. and ah, falling in public places, something my body seems to just love doing :)
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Gorgeous neclace. You have amazing taste.
ReplyDeleteSrry about the face plant. Don't worry though: About a year back, I was walking down some stairs, my heel got caught on the "bloody" carpet and I fell down 20 steps. I finally managed to grab the railing and realized (all too late) that I looked like the biggest fool the planet has ever been disgraced by! Just as the boy I was completely in love with walked down. :( On the bright side, he talks to me all the time now! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are amazingly beautiful. Never disbelieve that!
I'm that_british_girl (SHIT username I know) and my middle anme is rae, which I get endlessly teased for, but SO chnaging it by deedpoll to rei... not that my parents have any idea who she is... oh well. happy birthday and congrats.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday for yesterday! yes, i saw you on teen vogue, you looked oh so beautiful. i love the fact that your wore the dress back to front, genius!
ReplyDeleteyou got such lovely presents! i was exactly the same when i got my new camera for christmas :)
those floral trousers are also so gorgeous. i'm looking forward to an outfit post!
bless you falling down the stairs. i am sure you did it very fashionably, though. hehe.
good luck with my giveaway!
AGHH!! Happy birthday dear!! I'm jealous of your camera--and that witch stitch jumpsuit. =)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I'm a clutz too....most people blame it on me being blonde, but I think I'd be a ditz no matter what color of hair I had. =D
NIIICE job on getting on Teen vogue!! I'm a HUGe fan of you and them both, so to see you on there, was like a double wammy. =)
Oh, and I have photos of my 70's party on my blog--check 'em out!
Love your post as usual--I was literally waiting around the computer till you had your birthday post. =)
Ah, you are gorgeous! Happy (late) birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Evie. That day sounds so perfect,even with falling down the stairs. In comparison, mine was spent walking 15 km , and about a quarter of it was done in torrential downpour. I love the white playsuite with the blue stitches, -very summery.
ReplyDeletemy heart literally skipped a beat when i read this post. you honestly have the coolest life EVER.
those trousers, the camera... being a teen vogue featured blogger. i don't think jealousy could sum the way i feel about it up ;)
do you live in london?
happpppy birthday again!
xxxxxxx Z
seems like you had an amazing birthday! i saw your feature on teen voque and loved it
ReplyDeleteAnna Katrina
the floral trousers are so amazing,
ReplyDeleteNabila xo
happy birthday eve reeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : )
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading your blog posts, they are very charming.
have a nice day, a nice year, a good life
x s
ReplyDeleteTopshop seems like the best store ever.
But we don't have it here!
Love the clothes and you're sooo lucky! (:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY/ Everything you got looks amazinggggggggg :D lucky you :)
ReplyDeleteLove the compositions of your photos!
ReplyDeleteHope you had a fabulous birthdayy!
I would love for you to follow my blog I created with a friend as you such an influence!
happy birthday! saw the teen vogue post after checking out my best friend's who was also featured a couple of days later than you. I was so excited :D your style is amazing
ReplyDeletewow, i just found your blog, and i love it!! your pictures are so gorgeous, those birthday presents looked amazinnngg(: (: happy birthday!
ReplyDelete<3 <3
you got me at "crazy llama necklace." :) oh eve, congratulations on being featured on the teen vogue website! you have incredibly lovely and quirky style; no surprise! happy birthday, hope all is well! xx
ReplyDeleteP.S.: chloe sevigny trousers. i die.
really enjoyed reading this
ReplyDeletehappy belated birthday :)
great blog <3
The first five pictures are so beautiful. Lovely blog :-)
Thankyou to each and every single one of you for all your scrumptious comments.
ReplyDeleteThey are all utterly delightful and made my birthday absolutely perfect, and if I could bake a cake for each one of you, I would tehe