I was ever so productive today
like seriously I have never seen so much productivity ever.
it was mind blowing
here are the products of my labors

eve being productive = 2 hours spent making blue tack rabbits
see I made the first one, but he said he was lonely.
And I do not think it is right or physically possible to make little blue-tack rabbits cry
so I made him a brother.
and that was my day.
te he
I despise exams. I hate their very essence and wish to banish them to some far off tundra of loneliness
urg, but there is a light on the horizon
my birthday
yep the 1st of May is in sight
and thus I made a list
1. Johann Animal Button Playsuit - £50 - Urban Outfitters
My mum says that I look good in pastels and pales hues. Probably because I'm a deathly irish pale, actually almost lavender, so bright colours wash me out. I don't know why but I really love the print of the lower half, I don't have much beige in my wardrobe (I organized it into a rainbow the other day) so this will make a lovely addition. Also it will go well with my clogs, which is a must.
2. Kimchi & Blue Tipped Wrap Front Playsuit - £48 - Urban Outfitters
I love playsuits. I don't know why but they make me look taller especially with heels, so this is perfect, espcially with nautical making a come back. I do love nautical, though not ancors. I like it when it's almost preppy. Well I do adit that I took the next step and changed my facebook language to pirate. Te he, ahoy me harties.
3. Button Detail Bodysuit - £18 - Asos
I feel like getting a bodysuit. Though my mam said wear it at your peril. Mainly due to the fact that it is almost impossible to go to the toilet, in a dignified manner. Though this 0ne is sweet, the blue suits me, and also is in size 6, I swear after asos's sale like everything is gone in my size! Though this lovely was kind to me, thankyou body suit for tailoring to my size, thankyou. Oo and a body suit will mean that I won't have any problem's with having to tuck it in constantly. I rejoice :D
4. '80's Fabulous Belt - £18 - Urban Outfitters

I basically decided to get my whole list from the Urban Outfitters site, before hand it was entirely from K Shoppers and Yes Style, but I'm now out of the shipping time. I do have a penchant for decked out belts, as they do so wonderfully tie together an outfit. This one works fantastically, with it's chain detail, so fancy. Te he, though I might have to punch some more holes in it, I've become quite skilled at it, using all my mum old surgical tools, I feel like I could be in Grey's Anatomy.
5. Metal Clip Frame Box Bag - £15 - Asos
Oh I do love my bags, the shape of this one is gorgeous, and the stextured finish is lovely, like insect skin, almost but not quite. I could fit my purse and oyster card in quite snugly. Lovely, and it has a clasp too, ooo goody. And its very slim and neat, that is a needed quality in a bag.
6. Nude Lace Gloves - £4 - Asos
I saw these delights, and just had to ask for them, they're lovely. The nude colour is lovely, and the lace pattern is different to anything else I have. Though hopefully they'll fit. I have builders hands, so that means I have very stubby fingers, they're disgusting, so these little angels should cover my fat sausages right up in their lacy love.
the total being £153 hopefully I might get some of them. My dad seems quite set on convincing me to get a camera, but I might dabble into my savings for that, I do have my eye on a panasonic lumix, as it is ever so small and cute.
I went to the Grace Kelly Exhibition yesterday. She is my favorite actress and my ultimate style icon. So you can guess I was bubbling with excitement, clutching my hermes style bag, complete in sun dress and stockings, channeling as much Kelly as I could. Until we got up the desk to pay for tickets, and they put up a sign saying 'Grace Kelly is sold out'
I could have cried.
So to quench my fashion needs, I sat by the Alexander McQueen case, wondering how if I was a master thief, I might swoop into it's glass perimeter and steal is insectine delightfulness
She is too beautiful. Oh I think I need to go watch 'Rear Window' again.
well after I've been to Wagamama's with my yaya
sadly I think it may end in being thoroughly embarrassed by my brother playing 'Charlie the Unicorn' at full volume and trying to catch people with his tongue.
he he
xox Eve-Rei
your comments and love are like tickets to the Grace Kelly exhibition strapped to little juice cartons, sweet and stylish