Typing this is extremely painful
like agonizing
my fingers hurts so so much
thanks to 40 pairs of tiny claws and 32 gummy little teeth
and the worst part is
I think my heart has melted all over my revision notes
Meme and Luella
our 8 week and 2 two day old kittens
bathe in the ridiculousness of their beauty
te he
Meme the tortie is too fast for my camera to catch her, and she has a weird obbsession with breakdancing on paper, and likes to eat flies,
Luella the ginger ninja is a lot more docile than her sister, and has the bluest eyes ever, but I just call her crusty bake carpet cat due to the state of her rear end.
We've only had them for a week and a bit, but already they've taken over my heart
I'm sorry Vicki, Basia and Matt Smith things might be getting a little crowded in there now
I think they might be sleeping, the only way to really calm them down is to watch the Office or Lost
something about Michael Scott's voice or Sawyers hair, just mesmerizes them
As cute as they are they aren't what has been keeping me from blogging.
Because evil has a name
McShizzle Dizzle
As of this point I've had 8 of the drasted things. And I think I'm going crazy, 6 science exams and 3 english essays will do that to a person. Especially as all Chemistry related exam people out there decided, 'oh no lets not give them a normal chemistry papers, not only will we make the hardest paper hard, we'll turn it into a feckin' history exam, mwhaha.'
So my plans of possibly doing chemistry next year have gone down the drain, and because at Tiffin, you have to have an A or A* to do a subject, I'm preparing to be a hobo by August.
but I finished my art exam. 10 hours of being holed up in a corner with only a sewing machiene and a sheeps head to talk to
here are the fruits of my labors
My mum keeps on stepping around me like I have a forcefield of egg shells, I think she's surprised that I haven't had a total melt down from the stress of exams, which is nice, but slightly strange, because it makes me think why am I so calm.
maybe because I'm constantly internally screaming several different profanities to the tune of 'The Final Countdown'
te he, but its good for me, seeing as now my mama and me are spending quite a lot of time together, she might be getting a little sick of me wearing the same jumper every day (it's Stella McCartney, of course I'm going to wear it everywhere!) but it has spurred her onto buy me some lovely clothing.
'kay first up, is pre-mentioned McCartney jumper. Which okay is a boys jumper and okay is size 11-12, but fits like a charm, and has a gorgeous palette of colours. Sadly though her second collection for gap kids, isn't as good as the first. The first actually suited kids, and was what a rich kid would wear. Where as this, isn't designed for kids in mind, but mums with kids in mind. But on the other hand is perfect for flatchested boy fit 16 year olds! yay my lack of hips.
second is this lurvely blue summer dress. I found that the colour light blue suits me, anything electric washes me out, but babies and forget-me-nots hues actually suit my deathly pale. yay my anemia! Which actually I think might be worse due to my now meatless diet. I saw this disgusting picture, which totally put me off, and then I read this article on IHOP's chicken coop conditions. YUCK
moving on from the very bane of evil that resides within our fast food chains, mama bought me this really lovely white flower print bag, from Oxfam, it was £1.50 and perfect. It fits my purse and phone in just, but I'm not complaining.
So this will probably be my last post until friday the 25th, which is the golden day where I get to spend 2.5 hours doing stats and then leave school High School Musical style, and never return!
Jokes I will, but not until September, hallelujah!
xox Eve-Rei
your comments and love are like tiny whiskered kisses, whispering the answers to my gcses in my ears. a God send.
p.s Prom's a'coming, I can't find a dress and the sewing machine is practically glowing, sounds like a recipe to fuel my ackey breaky sewing needs!